Détails de l'événement
SOLD OUT- July 12 GA Day Pass
General admission access to LeBreton Flats Park on July 12, 2023. Includes all stages and all performances.
Confirmed acts in alphabetical order:
Adrian Sutherland, ALAMUSIC, Black Joe Lewis, Foo Fighters, Lime Cordiale, MONOWHALES, My Son The Hurricane, River City Junction, White Reaper
OC Transpo and O-Train service to and from the festival is included with this pass. Plan your trip: octranspo.com.
Tickets are final sale- no refunds or exchanges.
The festival lineup is always subject to change. Note that day tickets are purchased for the festival date, not specific acts.
Ticket Purchase Terms and Conditions Agreement
Order fees: $6 (BITS Charitable Fund), Delivery: Digital Print Pass (tickets will be emailed as of June 1, 2023).